Femdom Club

Club of dominant females

Lady Betty did not want to forgive her slave for cooking bad food. She did not like how lazy he was as he could have shown initiative and gone to the internet to look for recipes. She spat on him and she did so to cruelly torture him and show him that bad food was not acceptable in her house. He did not have a choice but to learn how to cook better.

Mistress Coco noticed that her slave was becoming rude and insubordinate. She had to nip it in the bud so she forced the save to pick things from the floor and she had her vacuum the house under her supervision. She had whipped her before that and she went on whipping her while she vacuumed the house. All this time, she was warning her of worse consequences if she did not change.

This guy pretended that he was tougher than he really was and he disobeyed mistress Gaia. She did not say a word. She tied him up after she had removed his clothes and she whipped him. She did it slowly but painfully and she did it over an hour. He had to endure the pain she inflicted on him and not even his cries of pain were enough to make him let her go.

Lady Sandy likes to torture guys for her own amusement. She does not watch movies and she does not like what other people like. She only enjoys torturing guys and she comes up with her own punishments. Today she chose to facesit on this loser, fart on him as well as spit on him. She spat into his mouth and she had him swallow her saliva. She let him go when she got bored of what she was doing to him.

Mistress Mira and her friends did not like how this guy abused his family. He was a cruel husband and father and the mistresses chose to stand up for his family. They lured him to one of their houses where they beat him up. The mistresses trampled him cruelly and he had no choice but to do as they wanted him to do which was not to lay his hands on his wife and his children.

Mistress BlackDiamoond and lady Chanel wanted quick answers and they knew they would only get them if they taught this guy a lesson. So the mistresses cruelly trampled him using their high heels and they got him to do as they wanted. He gave them all the information they wanted once the pain kicked in and he realized they were serious. He even gave them more information than they wanted.

Goddess Mary and her friend mistress Bat were drinking some whisky when they realized that this guy who was seated near them was rich. The mistresses could tell he was not a heavy drinker so they teased him and they seduced him till he agreed to drink with them. They made him drink a lot of alcohol and when he did, he blacked out and they took advantage of that to financially dominate him.

Mistress Ginger likes to enjoy herself. She is a happy mistress even though her happiness comes from humiliating others. She had always wanted to try femdom fetish and she got the chance to do it today. She had a great time torturing and humiliating the loser till she was able to turn him into her slave. She got him to do all she wanted and she was proud of herself.

This mistress is seductive and she loves to use her looks to get what she wants. Today she wanted money so she flirted with this guy she knew was loaded and she got him to bankroll her. She knows how to get to a man and make him feel special and that is what she did to this guy before she made him pay for what she wanted and give her some money to spoil herself.

Mistress Gaia likes to degrade guys for no reason. She was chilling at home when this guy came to hit on her. He had just moved in next door and since she did not feel his vibe, she humiliated him and she got him to lick her shoes as well as her socks. She even brought other shoes for him to lick before she sent him away. He never tried to hit on her again.

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